Scheduled Reports

Users are looking for a way to automate reports.

Users wanted the ability to send reports on a weekly / biweekly / monthly basis to staff. They were looking for an easier way to do this without manually having to download each report and emailing it. I was brought on to learn more from users and figure out the best solution to automate this task.

1. Users wanted the ability to send any generated reports.

They wanted the ability to send any and all reports that our system offers.

2. Users wanted the ability to send reports as frequent or often as needed.

Users wanted to be able to send reports as frequent as every week.

3. Users wanted to send the reports in both an excel, web based and PDF format.

With the flexibility of file format, users wanted to get their staff the exact format that they needed.

Introducing Scheduled Reports

Reports Dashboard

Users are greeted with the Reports dashboard page. They have the ability to view active and inactive reports, what type of report, and how frequent the report is being sent. They can add / remove additional users, edit report settings, and archive the scheduled report.

Viewing a Report

When you click on a report name, you can view the report that have been emailed to everyone. You can also see past reports by using the dropdown and selecting the date.

Creating a New Report

When you click New Report, you are shown the workflow of creating a report. To get started, simply choose the report you would like to schedule.

Choosing a Property

Select the property you would like to create the report for. You can also choose a property group, which allows you to run a report on multiple properties at once.

Report Settings

Users can name the report, select settings such as how frequent they would like to send the report, which day of the week the report should be sent, which date to start and end, and which format to send the report in.

Confirm Scheduled Report

Here you can see an overview of the scheduled report. After review, you can create the scheduled report and will be taken back to the dashboard.
